NICPR-ECHO's Advanced Cancer Screening Training Program (Oral): ACSTP(O)

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) is in the process of rolling out population based cancer screening of cervical, breast and oral cancers in the primary health care system, under the Non communicable Diseases Control Program (NCDCP).

Epidemiology and risk factors for oral cancers, histopathology, diagnosis and management of OPMLs, diagnosis and management of oral cancers, health hazards of tobacco use, nicotine and arecanut addiction and how to tackle addiction disorders, including tobacco and alcohol addiction, relapse counseling, m-Health in tobacco cessation etc. are some of the topics that will be dealt with during this program.

National/International: National

Area: Medical Sciences

Contact details:

Ministry/Deptt/Institution:ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), Noida

Start date: 16-Sep-2018

End date: 15-Nov-2018