Photonic radiative cooler for passive sub-ambient cooling | Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences, Energy Sciences | 2019 | |
Development and Integration of an Efficient Multi-Port Converter in Intelligent Hybrid Microgrid Energy Systems | Engineering Sciences, Energy Sciences | 2020 | |
Feasibility study and Implementation of Solar based Static EV Wireless Charging Station in India | Energy Sciences | 2019 | 2022 |
Development and Demonstration of Biochemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (BcEOR) Technology for Marginal Oil Wells of Western India | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2019 | |
Smart Tools for intelligent Operation of Renewable Energy integrated power System (STORES) | Energy Sciences | 2019 | |
Invention of smart process technology for production of valuable products including oil and carbon black from waste tire | Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences, Energy Sciences | 2019 | |
Advanced Control and Protection of Intelligent DC Microgrids | Energy Sciences | 2019 | |
Development of an agricultural waste based off-the-grid climate control unit for storage and processing of agricultural produce | Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences, Energy Sciences | 2019 | |
A Solution for a Stable and Combined Operation of Multiple Renewable Sources: Intelligent DC Microgrid | Energy Sciences | 2019 | |
Geomechanical and Wellbore stability modeling in Coal bed Methane Reservoirs in parts of Central and Eastern Indian Coalfields | Chemical Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Energy Sciences | 2019 | |