Design and Development of Textile based Metamaterial Absorber for RADAR Stealth | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Development and demonstration of a fibre-optic sensor-based system for aircraft loads and usage monitoring | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Design & Development of Ultra-Wideband Multi-Octave Gallium Nitride Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) based Power Amplifier | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Development of a Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) for defense equipment | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Functionality Enhancement through Design and Development of Advanced Finite Element Algorithms for STR TOOLS | Engineering Sciences, Computer Sciences and Information Technology | 2020 | |
Intelligent IoT enabled Autonomous Structural Health Monitoring System for Ships, Aeroplanes, Trains and Automobiles | Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Real time monitoring and embedded analytics for quality and traceability in cold chains for sea export of agricultural produce | Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Agricultural Sciences | 2019 | |
Development of low cost indigenous earthquake early warning system | Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences | | |
IoT-based 3D printed time lapse smart microscope for embryo monitoring in IVF clinics | Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Medical Sciences | | |
Ku-K-Ka band phased array antenna for SATCOM on-the-move applications | Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |