Development of a low cost anosmia screening tool to mass screen asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers | COVID-19 Research, Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2020 | |
Identification of COVID-19 associated extracellular vesicles as a prognostic tool and an alternative to SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission | COVID-19 Research, Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2020 | 2020 |
Design, fabrication and testing of portable, high-sensitivity aptasensors for one-step viral diagnostics | COVID-19 Research, Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2020 | |
Development of dynamic mathematical modelling for COVID-19 spread and containment | COVID-19 Research, Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2020 | 2020 |
DECOVID: Data-assimilation and error correction of viral infectious disease models | COVID-19 Research, Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2020 | |
Mathematical modelling of transmission dynamics of COVID-19 and its control | COVID-19 Research, Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Mathematical Sciences | 2020 | |
Modelling the impact of sensor performance on epidemic management | COVID-19 Research, Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2020 | 2020 |
Modelling and forecasting of COVID-19 pandemic | COVID-19 Research, Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Mathematical Sciences | 2020 | |
Mathematical modelling of aerosolised transmission of pathogens via turbulent expiratory events | COVID-19 Research, Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Mathematical Sciences | 2020 | |
Real-time infectious diseases hazard map for India based on transportation networks | Mathematical Sciences, COVID-19 Research, Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2020 | |