Establishment of Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribal (ST) Cell in State Science and Technology Council of Sikkim State | Other Areas | 2020 | |
Biomass driven regeneration system for improving the livelihood of Scheduled Tribes at Athanavur Village, Yelagiri Hills, Tamil Nadu. | Other Areas | 2020 | |
Science, Technology and Innovation Hub for creating sustainable livelihood opportunities of Scheduled Tribes in Angara block, Ranshi district, Jharkhand | Other Areas | 2020 | |
Tasar sericulture-based livelihood generation | Other Areas | 2020 | |
Empowering tribal villages of district Sonbhadra for accessing fluoride mukt drinking water with integrated approach | Other Areas | 2020 | |
Socio-economic empowerment of the in the Rajaborari estate Madhya Pradesh through scientific and technological interventions | Other Areas | 2020 | |
Alternative Livelihood for the Forest Dependent Communities in Villages near Chandaka Damapara Sanctuary with a focus of Conservation | Other Areas | 2020 | |
Promote appropriate technologies for sustainable livelihood and conservation of village around Kailadevi wildlife sanctuary | Other Areas | 2020 | |
Promotion of farm and forest based natural resource management for livelihood security of marginal communities in village around palamu Tiger Reserve | Other Areas | 2020 | |
Managing wildlife conflict through alternative crops and bio fences in Singhalila National Park | Other Areas | 2020 | |