Artificial intelligence based vision for grasp classification in prosthetic hands | Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2019 | |
Design and development of hybrid delivery system for indigenously developed green cutting fluid | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Design and Development of coconut harvesting robot | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Synthesis of High Strength and corrosion resistant nanostructures stainless steels by selective laser melting | Chemical Sciences, Material Sciences | 2019 | |
Design and Development of sensor based early pest detection technology | Engineering Sciences, Computer Sciences and Information Technology | 2019 | |
Laser additive manufacturing of tungsten carbide tool for friction stir welding of aluminium to steel | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Integrated low pressure membrane system (ILPMS) for water purification and disinfection | Engineering Sciences, Chemical Sciences | 2019 | |
Rationally Designed Flexible Three Dimensional Interconnected piezoelectric composites foam for Highly Efficient Mechanical Energy Harvesting | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | 2022 |
Design and development of induction based air assisted electrostatic sprayer | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Electrochemical additive manufacturing process for sculptures, statues and decorative arts applications. | Engineering Sciences, Chemical Sciences | 2019 | |