Cytomorphological changes during different trimesters of pregnancy and other unsuspected associated pathologies in the cervical smears | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | | |
Tobacco smoking profile of patients with respiratory ailments at AIIMS Bhubaneswar | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | | |
A study of KAP on blood donation among college students of different disciplines in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Eastern India | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | | |
Study of PCOS and its awareness among adolescents (15-19 years) attending gynecology OPD at AIIMS Bhubaneswar | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | | |
Study of the effect of low frequency noise on the human EEG signal before and after active control | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | | |
An exploratory study on adverse events experienced by medical students on exposure with embalming fluid during cadaver dissection at AIIMS, Rishikesh | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2014 | |
Facial anthropometry in adult Jaunsari Tribe of district Dehradun | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2014 | |
To assess the serum levels of homocysteine in pregnant women and analyze gene- nutrient interactions using serum homocysteine, tetra hydro folic acid and dilnydrofolate folate reductare Levels | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2014 | |
Assessment of metabolic syndrome and oxidative stress in different occupational groups | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2014 | |
Assessment and comparison of scientific literacy in medical graduates by TOSLS and impact of Indian Medical teaching curriculum | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2014 | |