Toxoplasma gondii: Seroprevalence, associated risk Factors, genotyping and pregnancy outcome in tea tribe population of Assam | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2019 | 2022 |
Natural Product Isolation With Characterization Of Active Ingredients And Ethnobotanical Role Of Medicinal Plants Used In Tribal Population Of Madhya Pradesh- Medicinal Chemistry Perspective With Special Emphasis Onin vitro Anti Neoplastic Property | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2019 | 2021 |
Task force proposal on "Rational Use of drugs" | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2019 | |
A pilot project on interventional capacity building of in-service staff (Medical officers, Nursing staff and Nursing college faculty) to bring down GBS (group B Streptococci), RTI (reproductive tract infections) associated adverse pregnancy outcomes in tribal district of Madhya Pradesh | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | | |
To determine the role of natural killer cells in the recruitment of periosteumderived osteoprogenitor cells and bone marrow-derived stromal cells in fracture healing of diabetic patients | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | | |
Development of a novel hands-free man-machine interaction technique for motor impaired people using affordable non-invasive electroencephalography brain computing interface device | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | | |
Setting up of registry and targeted exome sequencing in children with renal tubular disorders | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2019 | 2022 |
www oldagesolutions org - a web portal for welfare of older people | Computer Sciences and Information Technology | 2018 | |
Technology-assisted pelvic motion characterization and gait rehabilitation for the elderly | Engineering Sciences, Medical Sciences | 2018 | |
Designing of a prototype to monitor Parkinson’s disease in elderly people by gait analysis using piezoresistive nanocomposites and machine learning techniques | Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Medical Sciences | 2018 | |