Population dynamics of Rhizotonia solani and sustainable management of rice sheath blight disease | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Chemical control of rice insect pests as a component of rice | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Botanicals for sustainable management of major pests of rice | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Investigations on nematods of importance to rice cultivation | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Biointensive pest management with emphasis on biological control of rice pests | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Bioecology and management of emerging insect and mite pests of rice | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Development of entomopathogenic nematodes for biointensive integrated pest management in rice | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Wireless sensor networks integrated with rice DSS model for real time advisories | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Climate change and rice farming: Farmers perception and adaptation strategies | Agricultural Sciences | | |
Dissemination of climate resilient rice production technologies to farmers in selected districts of Telangana state | Agricultural Sciences | | |