


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Seaweed diversity and its culture prospects in in-situ conditions of Andaman Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Characterization of Bacillus spp. from Andaman mangroves and evaluation of its antagonistic effect on fish pathogens Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Biology of Blue Fin Travelly (Caranx melampygu) from Andaman Waters Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Documentation of indigenous fishing practices of Nicobari tribes Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Evaluation of Suitable aquaponics system incorporating fisheries and agri components under the island conditions Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Indigenous adaptation strategies of tribal vis-a-vis non-tribal farmers and impact of CIARI technologies in mitigating climate change effects on agriculture in Andaman & Nicobar Islands Agricultural Sciences, Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Indigenous adaptation strategies of tribal vis-a-vis non-tribal farmers and impact of CIARI technologies in mitigating climate change effects on agriculture in Andaman & Nicobar Islands Agricultural Sciences, Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Agricultural information sharing and knowledge generation towards sustainable management of island ecosystem with special reference to fishery by developing mobile apps Agricultural Sciences, Computer Sciences and Information Technology
All India coordinated research projects on palms Agricultural Sciences
All India coordinated research projects on fruits Agricultural Sciences
