


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Development of brazing filler and technique for Ti and its alloys Engineering Sciences, Material Sciences 2014
Role of particle size of yttria stabilized zirconica on the wear resistance of the PLASMA sprayed aluminium oxide coatings Engineering Sciences, Material Sciences 2014
Effect of heat treatment on the mechanical properties of thermo mechanically processed russian grade 12X21H5T duplex-steel Engineering Sciences, Material Sciences 2014
CNT reinforced composites for structural applications Engineering Sciences, Material Sciences 2014
Excimer laser micromachining for miniaturized hybrid microwave integrated circuits (MHMIC) Engineering Sciences, Material Sciences 2014
Phase-II: Design of active flexible and reconfigurable parabolic antenna using SMA based smart actuators Astronomy & Space Sciences, Engineering Sciences 2014
Modeling of a electro-dynamic shaker for predicting its mechanical response due to electrical input variables Engineering Sciences, Material Sciences 2014
Developing biomedical technologies to counter the deleterious effects of microgravity on the rod and cone photo-receptor network of the retina Engineering Sciences, Medical Sciences 2014
Doped oxides as anodes for hydrogen generation via water electrolysis Material Sciences 2014
Development of carbon nanostructure reinforced bipolar plates made of phenolic resin and carbon fiber for the PEM fuel cells: Performance evaluation Astronomy & Space Sciences, Engineering Sciences 2014
