Drive, readout and control electronics for capacitive MEMS gyroscope | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Design of SAR ADC 14/16 bit 20/10 Mbps | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Modeling of high voltage (10-20, 40-60V) N /P LDMOS devices developed at SCL in 180nm CMOS baseline process technology | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Modeling of devices (SPICE based) (in partially depleted SOI-CMOS process and PDSOI analog cell library considering floating-body effect (FB) and self-heating effect | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
An astrobotany cultivation system capable of growing multiple food crops for long space flight missions | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Remote sensing based estimation of carbon stock of bamboo resources of northeast India using machine learning algorithms | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Soil quality/fertility assessment using satellite remote sensing data and GIS | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
High biomass agricultural crops monitoring using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) microwave remote sensing data | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Differential Interferometric SAR technique for groundwater depletion and mining induced land subsidence analysis | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |
Study of glacier change in the Himalaya and its climatic implications using remote sensing | Astronomy & Space Sciences | | |