Understanding the role of CTD phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II for the transcription during mitosis | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2016 | |
Development of PCDA-liposome based detection kit for Alzherimer Disesases biomarker | Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Medical Sciences | 2016 | |
Structure studies on Recfor pathway proteins involved in homologous recombination | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2016 | |
Elucidating the role of Dj-1 mediated mitochondrial bioenergetics and Chaperone activity in the pathophysiology of Parkisons disease | Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Medical Sciences | 2016 | |
Glyceraldehyde-3 Phophate-dehydrogenase mediated Lactoferrin Iron uptake by Mycobacterium tuberculosis | Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Medical Sciences | 2016 | |
Role of membrane lipids on GPCR organization: A combind experimental and simulation approach | Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Medical Sciences | 2016 | |
To study the role of pich an ATP dependent chromatin remodeling protein in oxidative stress induced DNA damage repair | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2016 | |
Elucidation of mechanisms (s) of transormation of host cells by Theileria annulata | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2016 | |
Analysis of Fodrin association with Gamma tubulin complex the microtube organizer | Life Sciences & Biotechnology | 2016 | |
Investigation into the role of human sperm associated antigen 11 (SPAG11) gene in cancer initiation and prograession potential candidate as a molecular marker for the detection of cancer | Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Medical Sciences | 2016 | |