Design and analysis of multiplierless multirate filterbank with low complxity | Engineering Sciences | 2016 | |
Rendezvous of heterogeneous mobile robots moving amidst obstacles and meeting distance constrainsts | Engineering Sciences | 2016 | |
Multi oriented Indic text recognition in natural scene and video images | Engineering Sciences | 2016 | |
A Computational study on the high frequency prospects and stability performance multigate MOSFETs for analog/RF applicatons | Engineering Sciences | 2016 | |
Development of an intelligent helmet for safety and communication of underground miners | Engineering Sciences | 2016 | |
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to assess renal acute allograft dysfunction in renal transplant patient | Engineering Sciences, Medical Sciences | 2016 | |
Development and performance analysis of nanofluid based dielectric fluid as an insulant and coolant in power transformation | Engineering Sciences, Chemical Sciences | 2016 | |
Low complexity power efficient reconfigurable implimentation of fractional order filters for weak ECG nonstrationary biomedical signal processing applications | Engineering Sciences | 2016 | |
Development of a SPICE compatible model for single event transients for circuit simulations and its applications in SET tolerant DLL design | Engineering Sciences | 2016 | |
Efficient Alogrithms for inference in higher order MRF-MAF Problems | Engineering Sciences | 2016 | |