


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Mehanistic insight into the ligand induced perturbation on the intrinsic dyanamics conformational sampling of the αβ dimer of tubulin: Applications to combat cancer Chemical Sciences, Medical Sciences 2016
Study on multifucational catalytic property of metal organic framework (MOFs) catalysts for conversion of alcobols in industrially important synthesis reactions Chemical Sciences 2016
Modeling of non linear convection diffusion processes in hydrodynamic electrodes Chemical Sciences 2016
How molecular interactions and ionic hydrations manifest in the physiochemical prperties of inonic liquid/water mixtures: A comprehensive study by experimetnal measurements and molecular dynamics simulations Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2016
Investigation on high perofmance electrodes and electrolytes for advanced Zinc bromine redox flow batteries Physical Sciences, Energy Sciences, Engineering Sciences 2016
Development Organic Inoranic hybrid systems (OIHS) for Biomedical applications Chemical Sciences, Medical Sciences 2016
Synthesis characterization and utilization of radical containing transition metal complexes for mechanistic understanding and catalysis Chemical Sciences 2016
Profiling the electronic structure properties of relativistic and non relativistic systems using computationally cost effective AB Initio methods Physical Sciences 2016
Search of new materials showing exotic superconducting and magnetic properties in bulk and mesoscale Material Sciences, Chemical Sciences 2016
Connecting the kinetics and thermodynamics of solvation shell water at the local level effect of chemical and topogrphical heterogeneity Chemical Sciences 2016
