


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
In vitro regeneration of critically endangered plant Crinum Malabaricum Lekhak & Yadav and characterization of Galanthamine in Cultures Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2017
Identification of best combination of plant growth promoting bacteria and Arbuscular Mycorrhizae for enhancing yield and nutrient content of Wheat and dissecting associated biological pathways using proteomics and metabolomics Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2017
Unravelling rice interactor(S) for XopF-TTSS Effector of Xanthomonas Oryzae Pv. Oryzae Race 4 that play crucial role during bacterial blight pathogenesis Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2017
Understanding the respiration and growth of a Microcosm: The case of a Fig Syconium Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2017
Mitigation of Chromium(VI) toxicity in some vegetable crops by nutrient management approach Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2017
Study the role of Tomato Metacaspases during oxidative stress Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2017
A combining approach of GBS and ECOTILLinG Based GWAS study for expediting trait-associated genes/QTLs/molecular tags for thebaine content in Opium Poppy Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences 2017
The effect of interannual variation in flowering intensity, periodicity and synchrony on pollination and fruit set in a highly seasonal tropical forest in the Western Ghats Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2017
The effect of interannual variation in flowering intensity, periodicity and synchrony on pollination and fruit set in a highly seasonal tropical forest in the Western Ghats Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2017
Unravelling the interactome of Tetraspanin protein, a novel regulator of abiotic stress tolerance in rice Life Sciences & Biotechnology 2017
