Mathematical modelling of Seismic wave propagation in composite layered structures | Mathematical Sciences | 2017 | |
Homogenization of partial differential equations in certain complex domains | Mathematical Sciences | 2017 | |
Statistical approaches for genome-wide association studies and genomic selection for multiple traits in structured plant and animal population | Mathematical Sciences | 2017 | |
Symbol pair codes over finite rings | Mathematical Sciences | 2017 | |
Wavelet Galerkin schemes for higher order multidimensional partial differential equations | Mathematical Sciences | 2017 | |
Optimal design of experiments with correlated observations | Mathematical Sciences | 2017 | |
Principal eigenvalue problems and its application to risksensitive controls | Mathematical Sciences | 2017 | |
On recent problems in optimization theory and its applications | Mathematical Sciences | 2017 | |
Unsteady hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic flows and heat transfer in Newtonian and Non-newtonian fluids | Mathematical Sciences | 2017 | |
The Kontorovich-Lebedev transform and related integral operators on function and distribution spaces | Mathematical Sciences | 2017 | |