High-fidelity numerical simulation of a model scramjet combustor and detailed comparison with in-flow measurements at NCCRD | Engineering Sciences | 2017 | |
Development of engine controller and combustion chamber for multi-fuel gas operated spark ignition engine | Engineering Sciences | 2017 | |
Characterization of a novel injector configuration for spray and combustion diagnostics in supersonic flow environments | Engineering Sciences | 2017 | |
Development and thermal analysis of non-azide gas generating compositions for automotive airbag systems | Engineering Sciences | 2017 | |
Study on the reflectance and thermal emission spectral characteristics of Orthopyroxene bearing granitic rocks for terrestrial and planetary remote sensing | Engineering Sciences | 2017 | |
Geospatial analysis and mapping of groundwater fluoride contamination in jammu province with emphasis on its vulnerability and remediation | Engineering Sciences | 2017 | |
Characterizing and modelling the impact of soil moisture heterogeneity on convective processes over the Indian subcontinent | Engineering Sciences | 2017 | |
Possible hadean to archaean crustal evolution in the singhbhum craton: an investigation into the detrital Zircon archive | Engineering Sciences | 2017 | |
Chemical characterization and source apportionment of ambient ubmicron particles | Engineering Sciences | 2017 | |
Investigation of the complete pathway of chromium from tannery effluent to soil in different particle sizes and their probable mitigation through phytoremediation | Engineering Sciences | 2017 | |