An integrated network analysis to identify genomic alteration profiles of human pancreatic cancer | | 2017 | 2020 |
Cellular transition- an epigenetic perspective in development and disease | | 2017 | 2020 |
Combined genetic and epigenetic analysis of oral cancer for prognosis of patient | | 2018 | 2021 |
Deciphering idiopathic intellectual disability (DIID) through next generation sequencing (DIID-NGS study) | | 2018 | 2021 |
Deciphering the pathophysiology and etiology of undiagnosed hereditary hemolytic anemias and congenital dyserythropoietic anemia | | 2017 | 2020 |
Department of Biotechnology Consortium on celiac disease | | 2017 | 2020 |
Developing pharmacogenetic algorithm to individualize dosing of tacrolimus+mycophenolate sodium or tacrolimus + azathioprine in patients with kidney transplantation | | 2015 | 2018 |
Elucidation of genetic alterations in etiopathogenesis of gall bladder carcinoma | | 2015 | 2019 |
Establishment of a biorepository of epilepsy and investigating the relation of multidrug transporter polymorphism with fetal malformations based on the repository | | 2017 | 2020 |
Evaluating WISP3 (Wnt Induced Secreted Protein 3) and promoting societal benefit in the context of PPRD (Progressive Pseudo Rheumatoid Dysplasia), a debilitating genetic disorder | | 2018 | 2021 |