


Title Area of Research Timeline (Start year) Timeline (End year)
Radio continuum mapping of ionized emission associated with infrared (IR) bubbles. Astronomy & Space Sciences
Geological and spectral studies of terrestrial analogue rocks: Implications for Mars exploration. Astronomy & Space Sciences
Development of a Stand-Alone Atmospheric Correction Module for Hyperspectral Data Astronomy & Space Sciences
Integrating air and space borne spectroscopy and laser scanning to assess structural and functional characteristics of crops and field margin vegetation Astronomy & Space Sciences, Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences, Agricultural Sciences
Spectral Biochemical Analysis of Forest Species using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing – A Case Study from Eastern Ghats Forest Ecosystems Astronomy & Space Sciences, Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Above ground volume/biomass estimation and validation using airborne S- and L-band NISAR data and radiative transfer modeling Astronomy & Space Sciences, Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
Max Planck Partner Group for Galactic Star Formation Astronomy & Space Sciences
Space Technology and its Penetration into the Socio Economic Space of the Households of India Astronomy & Space Sciences, Other Areas
Controlled synthesis of coherence polarization of light and its application in optical imaging Astronomy & Space Sciences, Physical Sciences
Mathematical modeling of stationary plasma thruster Astronomy & Space Sciences, Physical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences
