Modeling & control of electromagnetic levitation devices | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Safe streets at night: Automated monitoring of streets with natural language summaries | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | 2022 |
Design of an optical transmitter using optimized DFB laser & EDFA | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Design & development of a dynamic photovoltaic array fed single-stage PV pumping system using an open-end winding induction motor | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Intelligibility improvement of speech in realistic noisy environments | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Wideband gallium nitride based out phasing power amplifier for upcoming 5G wireless transmitters | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Applications of magnetostriction in energy harvesting | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | 2022 |
An effective technique to detect Pv array faults & predict the lifetime of Pv modules in a commercial Pv plant | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
NYAYA- A legal assistance system for legal experts & the common man in India | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | |
Pushing the boundaries of cross-modal retrieval | Engineering Sciences | 2019 | 2022 |