
GB3275888: Progesterone-cationic lipid hybrid as anticancer agent and the process of synthesis thereof

The invention relates to the development of the cationic progesterone compounds as a novel anti-tumor agent. The invention provides a method for the preparation of novel series of progesterone derivatives. The invention also provides information related to highly selective anti-cancer activities of these compounds in wide range of cancer cell irrespective of their progesterone receptor status. Thus, the disclosed cationic progesterone compounds offer a viable option as anti-cancer therapeutics.

Filing Date: 04-07-2017

Issue Date: 25-09-2019

Applicant: CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), Hyderabad

Patent No: GB3275888

Application No: 17179456

Inventor(s): Sujan Kumar Mondal; Sudhakar Jinka; Rajkumar Banerjee

Country: United Kingdom

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