
IN233529: An anti arrhythmic compound designated as kcv-caf obtained from the venom of indian snake king cobra ophiophagus hannah

The invention relates to an anti arrhythmic pharmaceutical comprising an effective amount of compound designated as KCV-CAF obtained from the venom of Indian snake King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) and optionally pharmaceutically acceptable ingredients and a process of isolating the said compound KCV-CAF from the venom of the Indian snake King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah).

Filing Date: 31-03-2005

Issue Date: 30-03-2009

Applicant: CSIR(SCH)

Patent No: IN233529

Application No: 01272DELNP2005

Inventor(s): Gomes Dr A, Saha A, Biswas AK, Dasgupta Dr SC

IPC Classification: A61K

Country: India

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