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Research Agricultural
Total number of Record(s): 21280
शीर्षक | मुख्य जाँचकर्ता | शुरुवाती साल | निधीयन एजेंसी | ध्यानाकर्षण क्षेत्र |
Monitoring variability in yellow rust of wheat, barley and genetics of rust resistance | Dr. Pramod Prasad, Scientist, Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR), Shimla | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Plant pathology | |
Physiologic specialization, genetics of resistance in black rust of wheat and barley | Dr. Pramod Prasad, Scientist, Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR), Shimla | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Plant pathology | |
Genetic and molecular studies on rust resistance and breeding wheat for multiple rust resistances | Dr. Hanif Khan, Scientist, Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR), Karnal | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Plant pathology | |
Nutrient management strategies for wheat based cropping systems | Dr. S C Gill, Scientist, Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR), Karnal | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Agronomy | |
Developing effective weed management solutions in wheat | Dr. R S Chhokar, Scientist, Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR), Karnal | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Agronomy | |
Enhancing nutritional quality of rice through biofortification | Dr. L. V. Subba Rao, Scientist, Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR), Hyderabad | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Plant breeding | |
Traditonal and molecular approaches for breeding improved rice varieties with resistance to planthoppers | Dr. G Padmavathi, Scientist, Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR), Hyderabad | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Plant breeding | |
Identification and introgression of agronomically important traits from wild species of rice | Dr. C Gireesh, Scientist, Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR), Hyderabad | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Plant breeding | |
Breeding high yield rice lines possessing multiple biotic stress resistance through conventional and molecular approaches | Dr. R Abdul Fiyaz, Scientist, Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR), Hyderabad | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Plant breeding | |
Broadening the genetic base of Indica rice varieties and modify plant type by introgressing traits from tropical japonica | Dr. Jyothi BaDr.i, Scientist, Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR), Hyderabad | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Plant breeding |