Title: | Clot-Specific Streptokinase - The Third Generation Clot Buster |
Area: | Medical Sciences |
Focus Area: | Production of Streptokinase |
Social Benefits: | A clot-buster drug with minimal side effects has been highly desirable. This function i.e. the ability to dissolve the pathological blood clot without plasminogen activation through the circulatory system is a highly coveted and premium property in any clot buster drug of choice. |
Developing Agency: | CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (IMT), Chandigarh |
Technology Readiness Index: | Market Launch |
Email: | director@imtech.res.in |
Website Link : | http://www.imtech.res.in |
Source (more info) : | https://t.ly/l_sb |