
Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences


Recycling of silk cocoon waste.


Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences

Focus Area:

Frugal Innovation


Proof of Concept established



Social Benefits:

Approximately 55 metric tons of waste are collected directly at the source of generation in the reeling center. This waste undergoes a transformative process, being upcycled into high-value products like leather-like material. By doing so, our initiative contributes to a reduction in the conventional leather load in the market. Beyond environmental benefits, this approach creates meaningful employment opportunities, emphasizing the dual impact of waste reduction and economic empowerment within the community.

Developing Agency:

Madhusudhan S.G, Karnataka

Technology Readiness Index:


Brief Description

Description :

Our innovative product involves the processing of recycled silk cocoon waste to create a leather-like material. The process includes collecting and cleaning the waste, mechanically bonding it into a non-woven sheet, and then incorporating polymer for texture, hydrophobicity, and finishing touches. This sustainable approach not only repurposes silk waste but also results in the development of a versatile and eco-friendly alternative to traditional leather.

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