
Medical Sciences


A Smart Intravenous Dripper System For Centralized Monitoring And Automatic Stopping Of Intravenous Fluid


Medical Sciences

Focus Area:

Digital Health



Social Benefits:

Displays real-time drip rate or the flow rate in the IV tube catheter for easy setup of the required drip rate by the nurse or the doctor instantly. The conventional time-consuming methodology being nurse or the doctor waiting and counting the drops through visual inspection which further leads to the adjustment of the drip rate manually looking at the time rate on the watch.

Developing Agency:

Rekindle Automations Pvt. Ltd., Tamil Nadu

Technology Readiness Index:


Brief Description

Description :

An IoT base configuration, in such a way that the data of admins, doctors and nurses are registered and segments are created in various blocks, wings and floors which is customizable as per the hospital infrastructure.

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