कार्यक्रम व योजनाएँ

अनुसंधान और विकास

Programmes & Schemes Views

Total number of Record(s): 198
कार्यक्रम और योजनाएं निधीयन एजेंसी Status
SERB Scientific and Useful Profound Research Advancement (SUPRA) Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India This Programme is currently inactive. Explore other active opportunities on the portal.
Distinguished and Outstanding Scientists Scheme for the Scientists and Technologists of Indian Origin (STIOS) Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
Programme to encourage research personnel [Non-resident Indian(NRI), Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)] serving abroad, to come back to India for undertaking health research in identified areas Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Govt of India
Initiatives by Homi Bhabha National Institute Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt of India
Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt of India
DAE-Symposia and Conferences Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt of India
Technology Translation Award (SERB-TETRA) This Programme is currently inactive. Explore other active opportunities on the portal.
SERB STAR Award This Programme is currently inactive. Explore other active opportunities on the portal.
Year of Science Chair Professorship
Prime Minister's Fellowship for Doctoral Research
