जीवन विज्ञान
Research Agricultural
Total number of Record(s): 5756
शीर्षक | मुख्य जाँचकर्ता | शुरुवाती साल | निधीयन एजेंसी | ध्यानाकर्षण क्षेत्र |
Biochemical and molecular mining of hormonal profiles of buck under abiotic stressors and managemental intervention for its mitigation | Dr. Perumal P., Scientist, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair | Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Hormonal profiles of buck | |
Physical, biochemical and molecular characterization of semen in pigs of Bay Islands vis a vis study on feasibility of artificial insemination | Dr. S. K. Ravi, Scientist, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair | Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Semen in pigs | |
Augmentation of fodder resources to improve livestock productivity in Andaman & Nicobar Islands | Dr. M. S. Kundu, Scientist, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair | Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Fodder resources | |
Cataloguing inland aquatic diversity and breeding of indigenous freshwater fishes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Dr. Praveenraj J, Scientist, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair | Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Aquatic diversity | |
Seaweed diversity and its culture prospects in in-situ conditions of Andaman | Dr. Harsha Haridas, Scientist, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair | Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Seaweed diversity | |
Characterization of Bacillus spp. from Andaman mangroves and evaluation of its antagonistic effect on fish pathogens | Dr. K. Saravanan, Scientist, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair | Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Fish pathogens | |
Biology of Blue Fin Travelly (Caranx melampygu) from Andaman Waters | Dr. A. K. O. Ratheesh, Scientist, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair | Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Caranx melampygu | |
Documentation of indigenous fishing practices of Nicobari tribes | Dr. A. K. O. Ratheesh, Scientist, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair | Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Fishing practices of Nicobari tribes | |
Evaluation of Suitable aquaponics system incorporating fisheries and agri components under the island conditions | Dr. Harsha Haridas, Scientist, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair | Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Aquaponics system | |
Indigenous adaptation strategies of tribal vis-a-vis non-tribal farmers and impact of CIARI technologies in mitigating climate change effects on agriculture in Andaman & Nicobar Islands | Dr. R. Jaya Kumaravaradan, Scientist, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair | Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands | CIARI technologies |