
चिकित्सा विज्ञान

Research Agricultural

Total number of Record(s): 2463
शीर्षक मुख्य जाँचकर्ता शुरुवाती साल निधीयन एजेंसी ध्यानाकर्षण क्षेत्र
Fighting Covid-19: Call for proposals The Director, Technology Development Board, Delhi 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Scheduled Caste Sub Plan, SCSP
A multi-targeted approach encompassing fundamental & applied studies towards drug discovery for Leishmaniasis Dr. A. Ranganathan, Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, West Bengal, Delhi 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Intensification of Research in High Priority Areas, IRHPA
Design & development of tooth colored ceramic dental braces set by micro-ceramic injection molding Mr. P. Das, CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, West Bengal 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Scheme for Young Scientists & Technologists, SYST
Childhood Diabetes - District outreach as a model for decentralized care & education through use of telemedicine Dr. V. Bhatia, Sanjay Gandhi P.G. Institute of Medical Sciences, Uttar Pradesh 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Technology Interventions for Addressing Societal Needs, TIASN
To see the effect of obstructive step apnea in north Indian women with polycystic ovary syndrome Dr. R. Guleria, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Science & Technology for Women, WS
Extending benefits of biomedical science and technology of SC & ST communities through all level participatory engagement - SC components Dr. R. Joseph, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Kerala 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Scheduled Caste Sub Plan, SCSP
Development of novel chemically engineered chitosan based tumor-targeted nanoparticles as a platform drug delivery carrier in cancer diagnosis & therapy (theranostics) Dr. T. Saini, Shri Govindram Seksarai Institute of Technology & Science, Madhya Pradesh 2019 All India Council for Technical Education, (AICTE) Research Promotion, RP
A novel non-invasive electronics for early diagnosis of Arthritis Dr. M. Subramoniam, Professor, Sathyabama University, Tamil Nadu 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Biomedical Device and Technology Development, BDTD
Development of cost effective wearable semi-automatic Insulin delivery smart micro system Dr. B.S. Sreeja, Associate Professor, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Biomedical Device and Technology Development, BDTD
Speech assistive gloves for post traumatic care of people with compromised ability to vocally communicate Dr. S.K.M. Varadhan, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (Madras), Chennai, Tamil Nadu 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Biomedical Device and Technology Development, BDTD
