
चिकित्सा विज्ञान

Research Agricultural

Total number of Record(s): 2463
शीर्षक मुख्य जाँचकर्ता शुरुवाती साल निधीयन एजेंसी ध्यानाकर्षण क्षेत्र
Design & development of nanomaterial based point of care device for head & neck cancer biomarkers detection Dr. P.R. Solanki, Assistant Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, West Bengal, Delhi 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Biomedical Device and Technology Development, BDTD
Liquid biopsy for oral cancer screening using superhydrophobic surface enhanced Raman plasmonic droplet assay Prof. S.D. George, Manipal University, Karnataka 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Biomedical Device and Technology Development, BDTD
Development of a microfluidics based point-of-care device for intra -operative detection of metastatic lymph nodes in oral cancer Dr. H. Pandya, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka, Karnataka 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Biomedical Device and Technology Development, BDTD
Hemiplegia & finger rehabilitation therapy device for stroke patients Dr. M. Maran, Assistant Professor, Velammal College of Engineering & Technology, Tamil Nadu 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Biomedical Device and Technology Development, BDTD
Non-invasive transdermal collagen & perfusion sensor for cosmetic & diagnostic applications Dr. N. Sujatha, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (Madras), Chennai, Tamil Nadu 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Biomedical Device and Technology Development, BDTD
Fabrication & multi-centric trial of indigenous dental implants of titanium designed & developed at BHU for its validation Prof. R. Bansal, Banaras Hindu University, Uttarpradesh, Uttar Pradesh 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Biomedical Device and Technology Development, BDTD
Endocavitary microwave applicator for integrated hyperthermia & radiotherapy treatment of locally advanced cervical cancer Dr. K. Arunachalam, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (Madras), Chennai, Tamil Nadu 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Biomedical Device and Technology Development, BDTD
Development of a miniaturized affordable single laser-single detector based multiple fluorescence analyzer for clinical diagnostics, including HIV infection monitoring Dr. T. Saiyed, Centre for Cellular & Molecular Platforms, Karnataka 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Biomedical Device and Technology Development, BDTD
A study on qualitative & quantitative role of angiogenic genes in couples with recurrent miscarriages Dr. S. Sultana, Osmania University, Telangana 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Women Scientist Scheme - A, WOS-A
Identification of exosomes derived biomarkers for early diagnosis of Paediatric Tuberculosis Dr. R. Yadav, ICMR-National Jalma Institute for Leprosy & other Mycobacterial Diseases, Uttar Pradesh 2019 Department of Science and Technology, (DST) Women Scientist Scheme - A, WOS-A
