Agricultural Sciences
Investigation of the molecular mechanism of MKK3-MPK6-MYC2 module in Arbiodopsis seedling development
Investigation of the molecular mechanism of MKK3-MPK6-MYC2 module in Arbiodopsis seedling development
Nitrogen Management to mitigate N2O emission in rice wheat cropping system
Study of root hair specific MATE tranporters to engineer low phosphate and acid soil tolerance in plants
Geomicrobiological investigation of arsenic contaminated rice rhizosphere in rice plant
Pink Bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders): resistance monitoring, fitness costs, inheritance of resistance to cry toxins expressed in Bt cotton
Behavioural physiology of Tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) and brinjal shoot and fruit borer leucinodes orbonalis Guenee
Induced defenses in rice (Oryza sativa) by exogenous chemical elicitor against specialized pest and disease of the rice
Introgression of pungency genes from wild species through marker-assisted selection in Chilli (Capsicum Annuum L.) – to breed suitable commercial pepper cultivars for industrial use
A combining approach of GBS and ECOTILLinG Based GWAS study for expediting trait-associated genes/QTLs/molecular tags for thebaine content in Opium Poppy
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