Engineering Sciences
Development of device for non invasive continuous measurement of Jugular venous saturation
Fabrication & characterization of a compact prototype Ion detector as a non invasive device for early detection of respiratory diseases
Implantable closed - loop Diabetes management system
Development of a miniaturized affordable single detector based multiple fluorescence analyzer for clinical diagnostic including monitoring
Ignition modelling of semi cryogenic engine
Distributed spacecraft formation flight using limited information exchange
CFD based design, development & demon-stration of a micro-channel reactor for Sabatier reaction methane synthesis from carbondioxide
Mechanical & microstructure characterization under biaxial loading of aerospace materials & their weldments (AA2219/M250) for pressure vessel application
Numerical & experimental investigation of PEMFC considering hydrogen crossover & analysis of degradation mechanisms
Micro aircraft for Mars-2 development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which can fly using solar power