Engineering Sciences
Development of indigenous cost effective retrofit quasi dynamic high-performance wireless power transfer charging modules for slow moving roadway-powered elecatric vehicles
Development of dual colour beam scanning - particle image velocimetry (Dcbs-Piv) system for flow field measurement in air-conditioned spaces
Design & fabrication of light-weight flexible polarization independent broadband Rf & microwave absorber based on active/passive anisotropic metamaterial
Rate dependent transition to thermoacoustic instability
Development of a small Gdi optical engine for flow & combustion studies
Ultrasonic assisted laser additive manufacturing of nickel based super alloy & its online temperature monitoring to control the directionality in grain growth, anisotrophy in mechanical properties & elemental segregation; & enhancement of the com..
Reinforcement corrosion in bridge bent caps - fatigue response- An experimental & analytical study
Tailoring the interface between epoxy & carbon fiber through Click Chemistry & self-heating routes
Investigation, development & optimisation of a comprehensive blast design for the desired fragmentation incorporating rock mass parameters, rock quality, explosive parameters & initiation method
Corrosion potential of industrial waste as a geomaterial using inverse dielectric spectroscopy