Engineering Sciences
Effect of titanium & zirconium addition on the nano-cluster formation & creep properties of ferritic Oxide dispersion strengthened (Ods) steel processed by powder forging
Investigation on nano-technology based thermionic cathode for high power Vaccum electron devices ( Veds)
Application of microwave Ablation technique in destruction of large size tumors- Numerical & experimental studies
Development of a novel-solar driven Dedicated outdoor air system (Doas) for space heating & liquid desiccant dehumidification with direct/indirect contact heat/mass exchangers for Meghalaya region
Understanding thermodynamics of crude-oil detachment from reservoir -rocks using molecular simulations- Applications in screening of Enhanced oil recovery (Eor) techniques
Technology for aberration free polymer biaspheric lens for indirect ophthalmology
Kinetics of CO2 corrosion in pipeline- Influence of fluid flow & corrosion inhibitors
Multifunctional hydrogen bonded thermo-responsive nanocapsules- An indigenous carrier system for cancer theranostics & anti-viral applications?
High strain rate behavior & constitutive modeling of aluminium alloys
High voltage (5V) ultrafast charging/discharging cathode materials in bulk & nano Geometries for high power Li Ion recharging batteries