Engineering Sciences
Development of electrospun Ceria-based nanofibers for diesel soot oxidation activity
Nacre-mimetic highly-filled polyethylene hybrids
One step treatment of metal contaminated waste water with Co-synthesis of nano metal carbon hybrids & generation of H2 rich fuel gas mixture
Developing psyllium husk based polysaccharide hydrogel into electrospinable & 3d printable materials- Towards fabrication & comparative evaluation of lyophilized, electrospun & 3d-bioplotted scaffolds for liver tissue engineering
Self-assembly of block copolymers under confinement
Graphene based membrane for water desalination with improved properties
Nanophotonic structures based on composite materials for integrated silicon photonic devices
Shear stress effects on metastasizing cancer cells - towards better cancer therapies
Formation of Double network structure (Dns) in elastomer with improved mechanical & dynamic mechanical properties
Can nanofuels combustion lead to a cleaner future? - A holistic journey from fundamentals to applications