Engineering Sciences
Qualitative estimation of subsurface water flow & identification of contaminant mobilization in mining areas using nanomaterials as tracers
Water desalination with simultaneous electricity generation by harnessing the energy of neutralization
Demonstration of technology for treatment of rain harvested water lakes in Warangal, Telangana State
Enhancing food & water security in degraded coastal soils through improved management of blue, green & gray water
Study on the occurrence, impact on biotic communities & development of integrated technologies for remediation of the emerging pollutant Triclosan
In situ immobilization of dissolved metals arsenic & chromium by manipulating redox condition of the impacted aquifers by injecting suitable amendments
Design & development of sensor for detection of pharmaceutical compounds present in water & wastewater
Piezocatalyic nanocomposite-based water purification
Pharmaceutical & Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in sewage water of district Bathinda, its transport in environment & compartment & adsorptive removal using metal
Integrated photocatalytic & membrane bioreactor process for effective removal of emerging contaminants & disinfection