Engineering Sciences
Innovative development of sustainable white clay & graphene composite ventilation wall cladding tiles to curtail heat ingress
Design & fabrication of plate type Scr catalyst for De-Nox application using hybrid ceramic composite
Development of aluminum - cerium - scandium alloys for high temperature creep applications & its experimental investigations
An investigation to analyze the effect of deformation mechanisms on mechanical properties of ultrafine/nano grained (A+B) titanium alloys under quasi-static & dynamic loading conditions at ambient temperature
Novel integrated engineering approach for effective Tar decomposition & its last minute removal to fuel gas reforming in biomass pyro-gasification
Synthesis & characterization of hydroxyapatite reinforced grapheme oxide nano particles coated on shot peened titanium alloy for biomedical implants
Spray-dried of nanoparticles loaded aerosol foam in-situ gel system containing anti-HIV drug & contraceptive agent as combined therapy
Evaluating the performance of pavement quality geopolymer concrete using digital image correlation technique
Development of Ti(C,N) based cermets modified by Si3n4, B4c & Cr3c2 for metal cutting application
Design of 1kw roof top vertical axis wind tubine to implement a wind-battery based stand - alone system for low wind speed regimes