Engineering Sciences
Development of novel multipurpose liquid desiccant drying/desalination system using hydrophobic membrane as an energy exchanger
Machine learning & deep learning based cyber security framework for identification of phising websites & malicious Uniform resource locators (Uris)
Lateral movement of vehicles on urban roads in disordered traffic- Characterization evaluating & modeling
Nonisocyanate polyurethane derived from recycled municipal plastic waste for tissue regeneration
Low-cost biodegradable polymer for application in food packaging
Manufacturing of plasma transferred Arc coated surface on magnesium alloy for tribological applications
Prediction of fire signatures using smoke features based on fractional order optical flow in videos
Design & development of hybrid magnetorheological brake & its tribo effectiveness studies on a brake inertia dynamometer
Design & development of Gan hemt based Lna for L5 & S-band Irnss receiver
Development of probabilistic model for the failure analysis of bonded fibre reinforced plastic composite adherends