Engineering Sciences
Machine learning models for underwater image enhancement & content analysis
Theoretical studies on synthetic aperture rader based ocean surface exploration for submarine detection
Stability of nanostructure & residual stress developed through ultrasonic shot peening in super ally IN 718 at elevated temperatures
Computational prediction of acoustic emissions from collapsing bubbles using interface capturing multiphase flow simulations
Design & development of MEMS gyroscope for naval applications
Propeller shaft instabilities & mode localization in propeller blades
Design & development of an intelligent underwater vehicle with a manipulator for offshore oil/gas & other marine applications
Grain boundary & magnetic domain interaction in oriented bulk magnetostrictive RA-GA alloy
Investigating of the factors leading to large enhancement of the electromechanical response in rare-earth doped relator ferroelectric based plozoceramics
Algorithms for fast computation of principal components for self-noise cancellation in underwater acoustics