Engineering Sciences
Design & fabrication of low cost pressure & vibration assisted Waam machine to control residual stress & grain structure
Thermo-mechanical characteristics of interstitial-substitutional high entropy cocrfemnni (C,N) alloy
Development of sketch-based immersive environment for articulated product concept exploration
Experimental investigation of toxicity & mutagenicity of particulates & combustion stability in conventional as well as advanced high-efficiency reciprocating engines using different alternative fuels
Investigations on flow deflection about savonius hydrokinetic turbines & its design evolution with core technical concepts
Smart & precision agriculture for potato cultivation in West Bengal- An Information & Communication Technology (ICT) based effort
Combined synchrosqueezing & Hmc based Bayesian updating for conditon assessment of reinforced concrete road bridge
Combustion dynamics in a self-excited multi-nozzle linear array model gas turbine combustor
Decoupling microstructural inputs on the internal friction response of steel- Combining kinetic Monte Carlo based multi-scale simulations with microstructure & mechanical spectroscopy
Partitioning evapotranspiration into evaporation & transpiration fluxes using stable isotopes of oxygen & hydrogen