Engineering Sciences
Compact scalable full-duplex front-end in Cmos for multi-antenna wireless systems
Vehicle interdiction strategy in complex road networks
Lab-on-paper for inexpensive point-of-care diagnostics
Forecasting of rainfall in India using large-scale climate indices through advanced deep learning approach
Design & development of multi-functional Pv-battery based smart charging stations for Evs, household load & grid
Modelling of advanced polycrystalline materials for crystal-plasticity simulations of machining processes
Perovskite solar cells- Moisture, thermal & photophysical stability improvement
Controlled morphologies via phase-separation in epoxy blends for electronic sensor & device packaging
Computer vision based smart traffic intersection monitoring in unstructured environment
Spatiotemporal resource orchestration for Sdn/Nfv-based end-to-end network slicing in 5g networks