Engineering Sciences
Mixed-mode fracture behavior of shear thickening fluid impregnated glass fiber reinforced polymer composites
Investigations on the formability, microstructure & mechanical behavior of Titanium & Nitinol alloy foils during single point micro incremental forming process
Fabrication of Mos2-Bsa-Zno nano-bio hybrid composite electronic devices for environmental monitoring
Roughness, adhesion & friction- A computer simulation & experiment approach
Experimental & numercial analysis for stabilization of antibubbles
Exploring geometric design & capacity considerations for implementing exclusive two-wheeler lanes on Indian roads- A step towards safe traffic movement
Constellation domain Noma (Con-Noma) for future wireless communication system
Development of Sio2 supported Fe catalyst for Co2 methanation- A combined investigation using Drifts & Dft
Owl-inspired aerodynamic noise reduction of a flapping wing unmmanned aerial vehicle
Microstructurally guided computational & experimental analysis of failure mechanisms in fibre reinforced geopolymer concrete