Engineering Sciences
Next Generation, Cutting-Edge Indigenous EUVL Resist Technology for Semiconductor Industry
Developing a prototype of a smart Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SCFCLsm) with three dimensional field and current mapping technology for early fault and hot spot detection
Development of composite filament for light weight 3D printed components
Additive manufacturing system bades on micro mechanical inhibition for 3D printing of metals and plastics
Ordered open-cell and auxetic foam multifunctional heat exchangers enabled by additive manufacturing
Technology Development for 600V normally OFF Gallium Nitride Transistor for realiable power electronic systems
Design and Development of technology for safe disposal of hospital waste through electric arc plasma
PV-based cost-effective "Needle-Plate" type ESP in medical wastes incinerator
Development of Micro-Channels Based Personal Cooling System for Fire Fighters
Design & Fabrication of computerized dynamic knittability tester for hosiery yarns