Engineering Sciences
Design & Development of low cost scalar and vector network analyzers
Smart Meter for measuring power quality disturbances using GSM Technology
Design & fabrication of an instrument to assess the puncture resistance of surgical material by using sharp edged puncture probe/syringe needles
Design & Development of Low Cost Air Conditioner Efficiency meter (ACE Mater)
Designing of fabric tensile impact testing machine
Development of a Nano-robotic system capable of automated tip exchange: A novel tool for nano scale imaging, manipulation and meterology
Design & Development of cost in situ intrusive Motor Stethoscope (MSCOPE) for Monitoring the Health of Induction Motor using the Latest art of Instrumentation
Technological Intervention for Preservation of Tribal food Processing Technologies and Heritage
Restoration And Conservation of Natural Silk Dyeing Technique And Ethnic Design of Silk Cultural Heritage of Manipur
Centre for Excellence in Inclusive Technology Interventions for Tribal Heritage Resilience of Kerala