Engineering Sciences
Development of Spectroscopic Soil Health Analyzer Using Chemometric Analysis and Cloud Service
Development of a Sliding Bearing for Earthquake Protection of Structures
Higher Endurance Relocatable Crewless Aircraft on Reconnaissance Aerostat
Rotorcraft for Scout Operation at High Altitudes and low air Density Region
Instruments for Real-Time Measurement of Anode Current Distribution of Aluminium Electrolysis Cell
Development of Wearable Electronic Skin Patch for Real-Time Monitoring of Human Health Parameters and Tactile Sensing
Indigenous Development of controlled Interferometry Based High-Temperature Industrial flow Measurement Device
Design and Development of a Bulk Material handling Device for Metering, Mixing and Delivery of Powder Feedstock
Designing of AC and DC Net Meter for Electric Vehicle application
Design and Development of MEMS-based Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT) for Milk Quality Analyzer