Engineering Sciences
Development of Technology for High Strength Binder Using Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) Gypsum-a By-Product of Coal Based Thermal Power Plants
Technology Package for Eco-Friendly Burnt Clay Bricks with Low Carbon Footprints
Valorization of lime sludge through development of environmental friendly building products
Utilization of marble waste to develop cost-effective sustainable buildings products
Microscopio Traffic Network Simulation Model for Nixed Traffic Conditions (MiTraNS)
Development of a single low cost flexible heating module for assesing fire rating of steel structural components
Dissipative fuse link beam-column connection for seismic resilient steel moments frames
Folded Textile Reinforced Concrete Fencing Panels for Highway and other Infra Project Applications
Light Weight Aluminium Alloy Matrix composites for automobile, defence and Engineering Applications
Development of high-power optical amplifier (1.0 -5.0 W)