Engineering Sciences

Engineering Sciences

RF sesors/seekers

Modern airborne systems need all weather, fire & forget capability in detecting and tracking a target. These functions are performed by RF sensors, which are called by trade-name RF seeker. The seeker is essentially a high-tech Microwave radar mounted on the nose of an airborne system with Radome providing environmental protection to it. These are compact in size and less in weight. The product is an improved version of the existing product in the market.

Setting up of Defence Manufacturing Facility

Development of sub-systems for 3 major Indian Missile programs for Indian Defence forces-
• Design & Manufacture of Combat Management Systems (CMS) for Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM) program
• Design & Manufacture of Mission Control Centers (MCC) for Missile Defence program
• Precision part manufacturing such as Rocket motor casing, Control fins & Thrust Vector control systems with additional focus on Actuators, Delay electronics, wiring Harness etc.

Design, Development and Manufacturing of Industrial Robots

Sensible Robotics in Systemantics Products is the new paradigm for Industrial Robotics. It is an approach to design and manufacture that lowers key adoption barriers for the shop floor. By driving innovations to reduce cost and complexity, and make the robot affordable and easy to use, Sensible Robotics delivers a faster ROI and a robot that is future-ready.


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