Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Bioinformatics sub-DIC at H. P. Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur -(HP)
Bioinformatic sub-DIC at CSIR Central Durg Research Institute, Lucknow
Bioinforamtics sub-DIC at Devi Ahilya Vishwacidyalaya, Indore
BIF at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of higher learning, Prasanthi Nilayam, Anantapur - Andhra Pradesh
Atomistic insight into the structural influences of competitive post-translational modifications; phosphorylation and O-GlcN acylation
Algorithms for the identification of ligand binding sites based on hybrid machine-learning and evolutionary-computing techniques: applications in functional genomics and drug design
Advanced diploma course in bioinformatics programme at Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
A unified web-portal for analysis, integration and visualization of multi-omics data
A computational pipeline for understanding disease-causing mutations in Genomes Algorithms for context analysis and development of prediction tools Aim-1: A computational pipeline for identifying the context of key mutations in cancer genomes AIM-2: Development of computational tools for analysis and prediction of disease causing mutations
Modeling molecular structure of E1 glycoprotein and predictive approach to design novel peptide vaccine against Hepatitis-C virus: Molecular dynamics, custom peptide synthesis and in vivo testing