Physical Sciences

Physical Sciences

Laser Particle Size Analyzer

Make Model: 
Symantec Helos BF
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Particle size distributions curve; density distributions etc.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Range: 0.1 to 875 microns
32 element array detector
Accessories for dry powders, pastes, liquids and small sample quantities
Type of facility: 
Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre for Applied Research and Testing - SICART, Vallabh Vidyanagar
Meta Tagging: 
SICART, Laser analyzer, density

Thermal Analyzer (DSC, TGA)

Make Model: 
Perkin Elmer Pyris1 DSC, Pyris1 TGA,
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
All types of thermal analysis studies/testing; Thermodynamics, thermal stability, degradation kinetics and quaring kinetics etc.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Temp. range: TGA: RT to 1000 oC DSC: -50 to 550 oC
Type of facility: 
Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre for Applied Research and Testing - SICART, Vallabh Vidyanagar
Meta Tagging: 
SICART, Thermal Analyzer, Thermodynamics

Laser Flash Thermal Conductivity Meter

Make Model: 
Netzsch, MICRO Flash 300
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Thermal diffusivity, conductivity, specific heat measurement of materials.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Range: RT to 300 oC
Diffusivity range: 0.01-10 Cm-1 /s
In plane or through plane measurement
Type of facility: 
Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre for Applied Research and Testing - SICART, Vallabh Vidyanagar
Meta Tagging: 
SICART, Laser flash conductivity meter, Thermal diffusivity

XRD Diffractometer (powder)

Make Model: 
Philips Xpert MPD
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
2? vs intensity plots/X-ray diffractograms; search match facility with JCPDS data for qualitative analysis.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Range (2?): 20 to 1350
X-ray tube: Cu
JCPDS database
Type of facility: 
Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre for Applied Research and Testing - SICART, Vallabh Vidyanagar
Meta Tagging: 
SICART, Defractometer, intensity, X-ray

FT-IR Spectrometer

Make Model: 
Perkin Elmer Spectrum RX1
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Measurement in the region including IR spectra of liquids (in KBr cell), solids (in KBr pellets).
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Range: 4400 to 450 cm-1
Resolution: 1 cm-1
Pellet making Press
Cell for liquid samples
Type of facility: 
Punjab University, Chandigarh
Meta Tagging: 
Punjab University, Spectrometer, Measurement

UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer

Make Model: 
Hitachi 330
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Usual measurement/studies in the region.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Range: 185-2600 nm
Resolution: 0.07 nm
(UV-VIS region)
150 mm DIA integrating sphere accessory for visible range.
Type of facility: 
Punjab University, Chandigarh
Meta Tagging: 
Punjab University, Spectrometer, Measurement


Make Model: 
Waters Q- TOF Micro
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Nominal Mass studies, Accurate mass studies, Fragmentation studies through MS/MS and LC-MS studies
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Quadrupole- ToF MS equipped with ESI and APcI Source, Direct Injection , Coupled with Waters 2795 HPLC having quaternary pumping , flow rates , 0.05- 5.0 ml/Min. , mass Range of 4000 amu in quadruple and 20000 amu in ToF
Type of facility: 
Punjab University, Chandigarh
Meta Tagging: 
Punjab University, Mass studies, Fragmentation

FT-NMR Spectrometer

Make Model: 
Bruker Avance II
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
1D Spectra-normal for 1H, 13C, 31P, 119Sn, 27Al, 23Na, 11B, 59Co; Homo-nuclear decoupling (proton); Hetro-nuclear gated decoupling; Hetro-nuclear inverse decoupling; NOE experiments; 2D spectroscopy with gradients (COSY, NOESY, HMQC, HMBC, OESY, TOCSY, C-H correlation experiments); Editing spectroscopy-DEPT 45, DEPT 90, DEPT135; Gated and inverse gated decoupling experiments; 1H water suppression; Variable temperature studies.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Operating frequency: 400 MHz
5 mm multinuclear BBI probe with ATM
5 mm 1H and 13C inverse probe
Auto sample changer with handling capacity of 60 samples
Variable temperature accessory
Type of facility: 
Punjab University, Chandigarh
Meta Tagging: 
Punjab University, Spectrometer, Decoupling, Spectroscopy


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